The new manual weigh price labeller is configured to suit your individual requirements following the highest hygienic standards and offering multiple software modules to be able to label, track your production line and much more.

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Product picture Weigh Price Labeller WPL-S

Product features Weigh Price Labeller WPL-S

The weigh price labeller WPL-S for product quality and food safety

  • One machine does all (average weight, catch weight, ERP/traceability, recipe etc.)
  • Highly configurable hygienic design in full stainless steel construction that allows thorough cleaning without any food traps. Made for all areas.
  • Equipped with BarTender® label design, ProRecipe XT®, production system, additional printers or floor scales that will offer you the comprehensive solution you were expecting.
  • Its modular design allows quick exchange ofcomponents minimising downtime.
  • Currently available in France, Germany, Poland and the UK.
Product video Weigh Price Labeller WPL-S


  • Filling and Dosing
  • Formulation
  • Labelling
  • Statistical process control
  • Statistics
  • Weighing

Product details

Hygienic, versatile, reliable

The weigh price labeller WPL-S is the ideal labelling solution for any challenge you face and the new standard for a variety of purposes, which include:

  • Calculation of price based on weight
  • Calculation of best by date based on product, packaging, fresh or frozen
  • Calculation of cooking time based on product, size and weight

Weigh price labeller WPL-S is highly configurable and you can choose from a wide variety of components (different screen sizes, printers, scales, scanners, indicators and endless software possibilities). 

The new manual weigh price labeller is configured to suit your individual requirements following the highest hygienic standards and offering multiple software modules to be able to label, track your production line and much more.

Industrial solutions Our products for your production processes

Our systems and services are oriented towards the requirements of our customers from a wide range of industries. In this way, we ensure that with Minebea Intec you can design your production processes safely and efficiently without having to make compromises. This starts with individual product features and stops only after exceeding global standards.

Food & Beverage

Minebea Intec is a leading supplier of weighing and inspection technologies to the food and beverage production industry. Armed with a deep understanding of the challenges food and drink manufacturers face, the company has developed a range of products and solutions that are perfectly tailored to meet their needs in relation to quality and food/drink safety, while also enhancing efficiency and protecting production equipment.

Our solutions for food and beverage industry

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