How-to Guide How you, as a food manufacturer, can choose the right metal detection technology

Metal detection protects consumers from metal-contaminated products and food and pet food manufacturers from costly recalls that often come with reputational damage. This free how-to guide will help you select the metal detection technology that best serves your needs at this critical control point.

  • What kind of foreign objects does the metal detection detect?
  • Which factors influence the detection result?
  • What are the advantages of the innovative MiWave technology?

Read How-to Guide

For whom is this How-to Guide worthwhile?

This how-to guide is aimed at our customers in the food and pet food industry who are either looking at retrofitting their existing metal detection equipment or introducing this critical control point.

What added value does this how-to guide provide?

By way of introduction, we give a brief overview of the importance of metal detection for your production and explain the basics of this technology. As large product effects often occur in the food and pet food industry and these can complicate metal detection, we take a concise look at this topic. In doing so, you will learn about the functionality and advantages of our innovative MiWave technology, which allows you to detect the smallest foreign objects even with the largest product effects.

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