
Wer in der Krise präzise abliefert: Minebea Intec für die globale Impfstoffproduktion

Seit das Coronavirus ausgebrochen ist, steht die Weltwirtschaft Kopf. Vormals feste Strukturen wie Import, Export und Lieferketten erweisen sich unter dem Einfluss der Pandemie als fragile Konstrukte. Die produzierende Industrie meldet weltweit tiefe Einschnitte. Alle Industrien? Nicht alle: Einzelne Hersteller wie Minebea Intec beweisen höchste Performance dort, wo es in dieser Zeit am meisten darauf ankommt.

Große Hoffnung liegt in diesen Wochen auf den Impfstoffproduktionen der Pharma- und Biotech-Industrie. Die Welt wartet auf die finale Lösung der Corona-Pandemie und eine Impfung der Gesamtbevölkerung verspricht die lang ersehnte Wende. Weltweit arbeiten Konzerne unter Hochdruck an der Entwicklung und Produktion zuverlässiger Impfstoffe. Unterstützt werden sie von Zulieferern wie dem globalen Hersteller industrieller Wäge- und Inspektionstechnologien Minebea Intec. Mit Hauptsitz in Hamburg fertigt der Anbieter Spezialtechnologien, die exakt auf die Bedürfnisse seiner Kunden aus diesen Bereichen abgestimmt sind. Anlagen und Systeme verwiegen Mischbehälter, kontrollieren Verpackungsschritte unter strengsten hygienischen Anforderungen und ermöglichen standardisierte, präzise Prozesse auf ganzer Produktionslinie.

Safe processes with the utmost discretion

The details of production are, of course, a trade secret. “Outside of the industry, our technologies aren’t well known,” Willy-Sebastian Metzger, Director of Marketing, Strategy and Business Developer at Minebea Intec explains. “Information about which machines ensure the quality of production processes gives people an insight into methods that companies are not keen to disclose, which is why our customers generally insist on confidentiality.” This means, in the current coronavirus coverage, that Minebea Intec technologies themselves are barely visible. The fact is, however, that high-precision results play a key role. “Minebea Intec equipment and systems are integrated into the major production lines of the American vaccine manufacturers. The same goes for all three of China’s production plants, including that of CoronaVac producer Sinovac Biotech.”

High-precision, repeatable processes are an important part of developing and manufacturing vaccines. For this purpose, Minebea Intec provides research and production departments with specialist technologies and hygienic designs that meet global standards. One example is load cells installed under bioreactors and connected to evaluation electronics to ensure the perfect mixing ratio of raw vaccines and other substances. Other, dynamic weighing solutions ensure that the filling quantity of the vaccine doses is correct.

Commitment to the rapid supply of vaccines

Minebea Intec is currently experiencing a high order volume from pharmaceutical and biotech customers. “We’re proud to be able to play our part in the fight against the pandemic and are totally committed to delivering orders to the best of our ability – and we’ve been very successful in this so far,” Willy-Sebastian Metzger commented, keen to highlight the commitment of his company. In addition, an increasing amount of Minebea Intec equipment is being used by manufacturers of rapid COVID tests. The industrial weighing and inspection technologies safeguard the manufacturing processes of many industries. Wherever automated manufacturing processes are implemented, measuring points are integrated into the system as it operates: under process containers or conveyor belts, with the use of comprehensive software solutions. The interaction between scales, sensors, metal detectors and X-ray inspection systems ensures consistently high quality for consumers. (More information is available at

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